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Creating A Stronger Bond With Your Horse During The Coronavirus Pandemic

In the wake of a pandemic like Coronavirus, it can be hard to find things to fill your time with that follow safe social distancing regulations.

Spending the extra time with your horse that you would normally be spending doing your social activities is a great way to create a stronger bond with your horse while also keeping you out of the house. 

If you usually spend your free time horseback riding, now is the perfect time to spend even more time creating a stronger relationship with your horse. 


Creating A Stronger Bond With Your Horse During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Time And Consistency

Creating a bond with your horse starts with how much time you are willing to dedicate to your horse, and what you spend that time doing. 

When you spend time with your horse - whether you’re riding or doing a thorough grooming - you are showing your horse that you care about them. It’s also a great way to emotionally connect with your horse.

Horses can feel the energy we give off to them; they can feel when you are upset or angry, as well as when you are happy or sad. 

If you’re like most equestrians, spending time with your horse is often your best stress reliever, allowing you to go to your happy place while also dedicating energy and time to your horse.

Going to see your horse daily - or every other day - and keeping that consistency allows your horse to see your dedication to them. The way horses feels emotion is very similar to the way we, as humans, feel emotions. 

If your horse feels your consistency and dedication, he or she will be much more likely to bond with you while riding, training, and grooming.

When your horse knows you, your touch and your scent, your horse will become excited when seeing you, much like our dogs or cats are when we return home after a long day away. 


Creating A Stronger Bond With Your Horse During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Grooming Your Horse To Create A Bond

The horse grooming process is one of the best ways to create a strong bond between you and your horse.

In the wild, horses groom each other as a way of caring for one another. Taking the time to wash them, brush them, and pick out their hooves not only makes them feel better, but it gives them the sense of your love. 

When taking the time to groom your horse, remember to talk to them.

Talking to your horse about how good training is going or how much you enjoyed the ride you took together that day can help to create a strong bond with your horse.

This allows them to clearly recognize your voice, as well; this is crucial for developing a strong bond and working together as a team in the ring.

No matter how you decide to spend time with your horse bonding, creating a lasting bond is important for not only the health of your horse but also for your training and riding time together.

Bonding with your horse can become therapeutic for you, taking time riding your horse or doing extra training can help create a lasting bond as well. It’s also an excellent way to bond with your horse while socially distancing and keeping yourself - as well as other riders in your barn - safe and healthy.

Speak with your barn manager or barn owner to learn how you can safely continue to visit the barn as much as possible while following COVID protocols. 

For more informative equestrian blog posts, check out our blog.

To browse our inventory of paddock cleaning tools, click here.

Genuine reviews from very happy people

Received in quick time. Does exactly what it should do, just got to get the speed right. Any little bits missed I simply let dry out and chain harrow over. Very impressed. Could do with a tractor sized version though! Thank you for an excellent product

Paul Evans

Upon receiving the paddock blade, I have been nothing but impressed saving huge amounts of time and keeping the yard to the highest possible standard.
I recommend and congratulate Paddock Blade UK for bringing this amazing tool into Horse management.

Roland Tong

Great bit of kit, works well in our paddocks. Looking forward to riding in all the spare time I’ll have not poo picking! Video in comments of it in action!

Ruth Jacobs

I was so dubious that this would work for me. I have very bumpy rig and furrow fields. I’m pleased to say I was wrong. I had to go over the field a number of times but I have a clear field and a huge pile of droppings.

Can’t wait to use this each week to ensure my fields are kept poo free!

Helen Chester

Excellent purchase Received in quick time! Our fields are not flat and we have had no issues. Very impressed I will never use a wheel barrow again.
Thank you for an excellent product and excellent customer service.

Beth Mclean


Received our paddock blade on Friday and honestly couldn’t be more thrilled with it. It’s easy to use, does a fabulous job and really couldn’t recommend it enough! To top it off the entire process was hassle free too.

Rhian Mullis

Top quality item and excellent customer service. Oh and you can do a 2 acre field that hasn’t been done in a month (or two) in under an hour!

Jon Davis

Awesome piece of kit and don’t know how we have gone so long without one.

Victoria Wallace

Paddock blade – one of the best tools ever. Easy to use, easy to tow, makes light work of the fields. Saves tonnes of time, picks up every bit and even levels the field out while it’s going. Highly Highly recommend.

Joe Castles

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